Thursday, September 25, 2014

What is a Septic Tank?

Your dishwasher residues, bathroom residues and all other waste go to the septic tank. It is an important part of the house to drain away all the waste so that it will not harm you and your family. You may not have realized this but the septic tank does do more than you think. They do not just collect the waste from your house. They also decompose them.

Septic tank is one of the most unrecognized parts of the house, even if it is the most important. Just because it is smelly and disgusting, you do not even want to go near it. The truth is, septic tank has to be check from time to time. This is due to the fact that the waste can pile up over time and begin to clog your drain. In order to appreciate your septic tank even better, or find ways to maintain it, go and read this article further.

Knowing the Definition

A septic tank is part of the sewage system in which the pipes are connected to it. The sewage pipes are either supplied by the local government or by private companies. It is mandated by law that the sewage system should include alarms, sand filters, pump and clarified liquid to efficiently dispose the waste.

Septic tanks differ in use and location. In North America, most people depend on septic tanks to reduce their waste. In fact 25 percent of the population depends on septic tanks – this includes that rural and urban areas. On the other hand, in Indianapolis, most of the towns have separate septic tanks.

Explaining the Definition

If the geek out of you begin to wander and you want to know why septic tank is called as such. It is good to know that the term ‘septic’ refers to the anaerobic bacteria that have the ability to decompose the waste materials. In order to fasten the decomposition even better, the septic tanks are added with different means like the onsite waste water treatment. Examples of these are the biofilters. There are also places that use artificial forced aeration in which aerobic bacteria is added to the septic tank.

Maintenance Requirements

Generally, septic tanks can be left alone all by it – at least for awhile. However, just like any other house compartments, the septic tank needs to be checked at least a few times a year. Septic tank Cleaning NYC is required in order to remove the waste and efficiently decompose it.

According to the United States Environmental Protection Agency, the property owners are responsible in keeping their septic tank functioning well. Those who do not follow the requirements may be in high risk of spending more money on repairs alone. The agency encourages everyone to initiate efforts to check their septic tanks regularly so that any other potential problems may be fixed. This will lessen the amount of money that the property owners may spend on repair. A septic tank that is maintained well can last for decades, even for a lifetime.

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